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Serving Scottsdale, Paradise Valley, Arcadia, and the entire East Valley!


About Us

Hi, my name is Mike, and I’m the founder and managing partner of Serenity Plumbing right here in Scottsdale, Arizona.

I started in the plumbing trade in 1994, when I moved from Arizona to Colorado. This year is really significant to me because it is also the year my son, Colby was born. I guess you can say Colby wasn’t the only “newborn” that year!


My time in Colorado was short-lived. I returned home to Arizona in 1997, but I continued to learn and grow in the plumbing industry. I had a childhood neighbor, Tom, that became my mentor in the industry, and showed me the “old ways” of plumbing. There were a lot of ups and downs, but I value this time and believe it gave me the insight and experience required to be the plumber I am today.


In 2006, just at the start of THAT recession, I decided to break out on my own – and Serenity Plumbing was born! It was hard work, but it was also a lot of fun. Nobody ever told me that a recession was not the best time to start a business, so I just kept my head down and plowed through. Then, in 2013, Colby joined me at Serenity. At that time, our primary focus was new home construction projects and remodels.


By 2016, things were looking pretty bad. Business wasn’t going all that well, and no amount of effort was “getting it done.” I worked hard – really hard, but Serenity whittled down to just me, my tools and my truck. I was busting my tail, but not going
anywhere. I was failing hard. Then I had the “lightbulb” moment that changed my focus, and my future.


I realized that the cause of my “failures” were not because I wasn’t busy, but because I wasn’t taking the time to enjoy the PEOPLE around me! Before this revelation, I didn’t value my clients or workers nearly as much as they deserved, and that was a real punch in the gut. Now that I knew the source of my pain, it was time for me to do something about it! Once I put people above profit, I became a much happier person. I started to enjoy “work” so much that the business started to grow almost on its own! I’m much happier, and I know my workers are, too!

My team members are the best in the industry, and they and my clients are truly like family to me! I am so happy that I have been able to watch my “family” grow around me, and am humbled that they allow me be a part of their lives. This is truly a highlight of my life!


As the founder of Serenity Plumbing, I have the great privilege to not only see where we were, and how we got where we are, but I’m honored to be able to steer this ship into the future. If I were to share my vision for where we are going, it would simply be to serve our community well! No longer do we seek out “business,” but instead we look forward to serving our neighbors. We have the great honor of being able to share our plumbing knowledge and experience with those in our community that need it!


There are some “competitors” in our industry that do things that really give local plumbers a bad name. We have added a Service Division to go head-to-head with these companies, to give our neighbors a clear choice. A large part of our business is still in new construction and remodeling, but 2023 brought a major shift in the direction of Serenity Plumbing. We saw a great need for plumbers that would treat their neighbors with integrity and respect.

That’s my vision for the direction of Serenity Plumbing. If you need a local plumber, give us a call. We’ll treat you like family, because to us you are! And if you ever feel like we’ve treated you any other way, I invite you to call me DIRECTLY!

We are truly honored that you would choose us, and we look forward to serving you and your family for generations to come!








Say goodbye to plumbing problems! Click below for expert and affordable local plumbing services that will leave you with peace of mind.

Service Scottsdale, Paradise Valley, Arcadia & The Entire East Valley!

Licensed (ROC # 225203), Bonded, and Insured!


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